Saturday, January 11, 2014

Time for a Change

I bought my current pair of shoes in August.  I remember it clearly because it was right before the Rock 'N Roll and I got a Brooks VIP Potty Pass.  I gave it to my BRF because I was running the second half of the relay and wasn't going to be at the start to use it.

But, back to the matter at hand....that was 6 months ago.  6 months and 6 half marathons.  6 months and miles of training runs.  I know that I haven't put 500 miles on these shoes, but my knees are starting to hurt.  That is an early sign that I need some new shoes.

So, here's the problem - I wear Brooke Adrenaline GTS-13.  Yep, in 2013.  Shoes are like cars - a new model comes out every year.  And that model is like the old one, but it's not the same.  There is something different about the new shoe.  But I like my shoes.  I bought the EXACT same shoe twice in 2013.  I like how my feet feel in them.  They are my fast shoes.  (Haha....just seeing if anyone really reads my ramblings....unless they have rocket launchers, no shoe is going to make me fast.)  But, you get my drift.

Here's another problem - my foot is huge.  No shoe store buys more than like 3 pairs a year.  I've already bought 2 of them from the store, so chances are good that the shoe store doesn't have them and will either try to convince me to buy the new (NOT ON SALE) pair or make me start all over with a new pair.

Because I am not ready to start dating shoes again, I went online.  The GOOD thing about wearing last year's model is that everyone wants to get rid of it, so it's ON SALE!!  Bonus!

I did what any brand loyalist would do in this situation....I bought two pairs.  That will get me through 2014!

That just means that I will have to jump back into the dating pool next year.

What shoes do you wear for running?  Do you change models or brands when you can't get your favorite??

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