Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Runner's Logic

I'm tired.  It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday.  I've been out late and up late and not home EVERY.SINGLE.DAY this week and there is no end in sight. (Navy Spouse event tomorrow night and basketball game for kiddo #1 on Friday.) Not to mention the fact that it is cold outside and it's hard to get motivated when it's roughly 20 degrees. 

So, after a 2 hour meeting at school today, 45 minutes of first grade homework (don't was 20-ish minutes of homework twice because one got lost in the bathroom), and another 25 minutes of Vision Therapy homework, I decided to go to the Y so I could get a run in.  I had about an hour to drop the monkeys off at Childwatch, run, and get back to pick everyone up to get back to church in time for dinner and my 2 choir rehearsals.  Running when tired and busy and cold....Runner's Logic.

Once everyone was happily in Childwatch, I headed out for a quick loop around the Y.  From the front door, I head through the Gone with the Wind neighborhood (down O, Ashley, past Katie Scarlett, up and back down Tara, and then down Melly to some other road), through this other neighborhood that is not NEARLY as exciting as the Gone with the Wind streets, to Mt. Pleasant (which is a big road) and then around back to Battlefield (a bigger road) and back to the Y. The route was just at 3 miles....good enough for a Wednesday.

It was a decent run today - there were a couple of moments of fast, but mostly it was just steady.  The first mile or so was a little rough, especially coming off a half this weekend, the middle mile was nothing spectacular, but the last mile felt pretty good.   I didn't have the burning desire to keep going, but I wasn't staring at the watch, willing the running interval to be over.

Today's lesson was mostly about my new running gear.  Since I am finally in the 21st century with a Smart Phone, Santa brought me an arm band so I can carry my phone with my music.  (Thanks Santa!)

Here's the problem - I mostly hated it.  Apple and I have a love/hate relationship and I can't figure out how to make a running playlist.   I also can't figure out how to get rid of the music that Russ likes that I hate and the entire Star Wars soundtrack that we downloaded for a birthday party and can't get rid of.  If the music just isn't working for me, I have to unlock the phone before I can change it.

So, I need to get some tech help to get a running playlist of the songs I like most during a run and then maybe I won't need to skip songs.  (In related news....the arm band is pretty comfy.  I would like to see how it works when my shirts are sleeveless.

It's also time for some new shoes.  My IT Band is talking to me.

3 miles today in just over 38 minutes.  Not my best showing, but it will do.

Miles for 2014 - 22

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