Sunday, November 2, 2014

30 Days of Thanks

November 1 - I am thankful for running.  It's a big month for running - 4 races in 4 weeks - so I will have many opportunities to be thankful this month. Running has shown me that I can do things that I never, ever thought possible.

November 2 - I am thankful to be warm and dry in my house on this blustery, misting day.  So many people are homeless or live in their cars and we are fortunate to have 4 walls and a roof every night.

November 3 - I am thankful for the ability to stay home with my children.  It is a stretch sometimes to make everything work, but it a sacrifice that it worth it to be able to be here when the bus comes in the afternoon or if the sick kid call comes or for the little man every day.

November 4 - I am thankful to live in a country were I am free to vote for my elected officials.  On this election day, I have been saddened by what I have seen on social media about voting.  It's true - our government is not working.  The party system is destroying democracy.  We have a weak president and a weak, do-nothing Congress.  However, we can walk or drive to our polling locations and walk through the door without fear to make a choice or make a change.  It is our civic duty and our American privilege to go to the polls and I am thankful to have both.

November 5 - I am thankful for my wonderful husband.  11 years ago today, he asked me to marry him and we starting this amazing roller coaster of life together.  We have survived the devastation of infertility, followed by the joy (and unbelievable stress) of raising twins and a singleton.  We have moved 4 times.   I spent years being his support system as he navigated the hard years of life at sea. In the past two years, the tables have turned and he has become my support system.  He is the most amazing race support!  I couldn't imagine this life without him!

November 6 - I am thankful for great neighbors.  With the exception of our 6 month stint in Rhode Island, we have been blessed with amazing neighbors.  Neighbors who will make sure your kids get on the bus when the three year old is having a fit in the middle of the street.  Neighbors who have a cup of sugar or a stick of butter.  Neighbors who sit and chat on the playground.  Neighbors who bring your dog home when a kid left the gate open.  Neighbors who call because your garage door is open.  Neighbors who are glad to see you when you move back from being away.  I love living near people who care about me and my family as much as I care about them and theirs.

November 7 - I am thankful that my parents are alive, healthy, close, and part of our lives.  It's not always sunshine and rainbows.  In fact, sometimes it is hard.  But, we are fortunate to have family around to help and support us and our family.

November 8 - I am thankful to have the ability to travel.  I am able to give my children amazing experiences because we get to go places.

November 9 - I am thankful for my Jeffrey.  He is a ray of sunshine in my life.  He is sweet and loving and kind and thoughtful.  He is the first born.  He works so hard all of the time.  He loves sports and loves to read.  He is my snuggly boy.  I am so lucky to be his mommy.

November 10 - I am thankful for my Jacob.  He is smart and serious.  He asks amazing questions and really cares about the answers.  He loves order and rules.  He is creative.  He is going to be a great soccer player one day.  I love hearing what he has to say about the world.  Being his mom makes me a better person.

November 11 - I am thankful for my Joshua.  He is probably my last baby.  He is funny.  He loves trains like his Daddy.  He likes to cuddle and read.  Hearing him say "I love you mommy" warms my heart every time.  He is a little bit of each of his brothers, but an individual all at the same time.  I can't wait to see what he becomes as he grows up.  Being his mom is always an adventure!

November 12 - I am thankful for music.  It is something that can make me cry or laugh.  It can bring back wonderful memories or get me out of a bad mood.  I am blessed to sign with the Virginia Symphony Chorus and we started working on the Messiah for Christmas last night.  I am also blessed to sing with my church choir  Finally, I have been honored to direct the children's choir at my church for 9 out of the last 11 years.  We move away and my choir is waiting for me when I get home! 

November 13 - I am thankful for my Navy family.  We have been fortunate to have stability and to avoid moves, but many amazing people have moved in and out of our lives since we started this adventure.  I keep up with many of them via Facebook and email.  It's not a face to face interaction with all of them, but they are part of our lives and when we do get to see them, it's like no time has passed.

November 14 - I am thankful to have a vehicle to get me where I need to go.  It is safe, in good working order, and large enough to take our children on adventures.  

November 15 - I am thankful for learning.  I love learning something new and watching my children learn something new.  Knowledge really is power and my wish for my children is that they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives.

November 16 - I am thankful for the friends that I have made.  The ones that wave when they drive past you on a run or the ones that make a point to set up a coffee meeting since it's been awhile.  Because we live in a Navy community, time is always short....either mine or someone else's.  Friendship has to happen fast.  I look forward to my time with my friends!

November 17 - I am thankful for the mentors that have been put in my life.  Most have been in the form of music teachers and choir directors.  Those mentors have enriched my life more than they could ever know.  I have also have been blessed with Navy mentors - women who welcomed me into the family and taught me how to be a Navy wife.  Many have moved far away, but I feel their impact and remember their kindness every day.  

November 18 - I am thankful for silence.  Out life is loud and busy.  But, sometimes, there is magic in the silence of the evening or minutes in the morning when I am the only one up.

November 19 - I am thankful for the hard times that we had to navigate in the spring.  Everything happens for a reason.  Enduring, surviving, and then thriving makes me and my family stronger.  I would have made the wrong choice and I would have stayed unhappy.  Now I can appreciate the opportunities that I have and the things I can do instead.

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