Friday, August 2, 2013

And I'm Back!

Guess what!  My classes, that have consumed me for the past 10 weeks, are OVER!  I get about 4 weeks of summer before life starts knocking again.  

Let me catch you up.  I am driving kids to and from camp, trying to set up a Kindergarten classroom, failing at keeping my house clean, and forgetting what it is like to sit and talk to my husband.  But, through it all, I am still running. 

Every Tuesday night in July (except my birthday....I skipped that night), I have joined the Tidewater Striders (the local running club....yep, I'm a member) for their Summer Series. It's 4 weeks of fun running at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Nothing says summer running like 90 degree temperatures, oppressive humidity, a chance of thunderstorms, and 200-300 of your closest running friends.  Each week is different - the first week, everyone started at different times with the goal of finishing all at once.  (I crossed the finish line before my fast friend, Susan.  That means I  "beat" her, right??)  The second week (the one I missed) was a random 1 mile relay.  The third week was a predict your time 4 GPS, watches, heart rate monitor, no nothing.  (It was MISERABLE.  I really need my interval watch to have a good run.  Lesson learned, but it was still a great night.)  The last week was the memorial scholarship 5K.  This was when my awesomeness happened.

I started my run and it felt great!  I looked up, and I had already gone a mile.  After that first 11:00 mile, I started my 2:1 intervals.  I kept the pace through the whole 3.1 miles, finishing in 35:31....a new PR! (by 40 seconds!!!)  I've been chasing a 36 minute 5K for a year and I finally did it!!!

Next up, a 15 mile training run on Sunday morning.  I'll let you know how that works out.  :)

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