Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tearing my Hair Out

There is never a dull moment in my house...in my family....in my life.  There are mythical people that don't do much.  They clean their houses.  They rest on the weekends.  They sleep in and stay up late and have fun all of the time.

I am NOT one of those people.

In fact, right now, I am overwhelmed.  I am doing too much.  I am drowning.   There is too much going on.  I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

That is what my world is right now...Chaos.

1)  We are moving.  I am packing the entire house.  Every single time I think I have things together, I find something that was out of place and just gets thrown into a box.  In the middle of this whole adventure, I am going out of town.  I won't be here for a lot of the moving.  I am overwhelmed by the boxes and the stuff.  I am seriously about to have a meltdown about Legos.  I am seriously having a meltdown about useless junk that we don't need, but that people keep sending to my house.

2)  My timeline for this move situation is compressed....like a slinky.  There is a week.  We have to move into a house, move out of a house, set up a house, and get settle. In a week.  Every box needs to be unpacked in 7 days.

3)  I got a new job.  It is going to be a challenge.  It is going to be a time management challenge.  I will work until 4:30 or 5:00.  I am going to have to do some significant reorganizing in my new space.  It is going to be very labor and time intensive.  This has to be done before I can actually start my job.  I can't teach in the space I have.

4)  I am running another marathon.  I am terrified of the time limit.  I don't think I am going to make it.  I am afraid that I am going to fail.

5)  I am struggling with the leadership roles that I am in.  I love volunteering my time and working with the people on my teams.  But things are different.  There is tension that I don't understand.  I don't have time to fight with people.  I don't have time for games.

There is a light.  In 5 days, I will have my house packed.  In 5 days, I will be driving to my conference.  In 5 days, my part is done.  I will pick back up when I get back.  I am taking control of my house when we move.  I am not going to worry about feelings anymore.  It is my house.  They are my children.  I make the decisions about what comes into my space.

There is light.  After the move, once everything is unpacked, I get a week in my happy place.  I get to sit on the beach and watch my children play.

There is light.  I have amazing people in my life.  I have a supportive husband who just goes along with my crazy ideas.  I have an amazing group of friends who pick me up when I am down and encourage me along the way.   I have wonderful kids.  They aren't perfect, but they are mine.  We have work to do, but they are on their way to being good people.  I have a team of people.  For whatever reason, the vibe in out of whack.  I hope to figure out why.  But, I am not alone.   I have friends who are willing to give up their time to help me get my world in order.

There is light.  I am fortunate to have a job.  I am very, very excited about it.  I can't wait to start.

There is light.  The marathon has a finish line.  I will get to it.

 It will all work out.  It will all be okay.  The world will realign and my chaos will settle.  I know it will.  There might be stress until then.  But, there is always light.

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